Rocks Village Bizarre Rocks

Duckie Blog, Puppetry

‘Encounter With A Monster’ will be featuring this Friday night at the Rocks Village Bizarre. I have adapted this poem by Kira Carpenter into a little puppet show which will delight adults and frighten the little ones! I’ll be performing every 15 minutes from 6.45-9.45pm on Arthuden St, for free! Old Mate is also going to make an appearance, keep …

Umbrella Theatre at the Rocks Village Bizarre

Duckie Blog, Puppetry

Spring is in the air, the flowers are blooming, a sea breeze can be smelt on the wind and the sun is beaming away. I’ll be involved in the Rocks Village Bizarre again this year, and the program is looking more exciting than ever!   This year on Friday nights in November and December, the Rocks will be transformed into …

Umbrella Theatre Does Winter Magic Festival

Duckie Blog, Puppetry

This weekend the umbrella was bundled up into the back of a ute and trucked up the mountain for the ever-charming Winter Magic Festival. This festival holds a special place in my heart, as it was my annual tradition since I was sixteen, until recent European adventures took me elsewhere for the solstice over the past few years. So I …