Mystery Bus is Back Baby!

Duckie Blog, Performance Art & Installations

I’m co-producing a show for the Sydney Fringe Festival this year called the Inner-West Mystery Bus. The premise is simple: seven themed events showcasing the best fringe venues and arts that Sydney has to offer! The Mystery Bus will pick upĀ  punters each night and take them to a secret location for a night of fun filled mayhem! Clues have …

Fraser Studios Open Day & Residency

Duckie Blog, Performance Art & Installations, Puppetry

As previously mentioned, I participated in the Fraser Studios open day with the talented multi-disciplinary artist Aesha Henderson (Her work is exhibiting NOW at Gaffa Gallery). Below are a series of images show casing the day. Social snaps of the day were taken by the beauteous Caroline Garcia (You can also check out her Dancehall classes – she’s got amazing …

Psychic Octopus Installation

Duckie Blog, Performance Art & Installations

Umbrella Theatre have been very lucky to score a residency at Fraser Studios with the brilliant visual artist Aesha Henderson. (You can check out her work exhibiting NOW at Gaffa Gallery, Sydney CBD) Fraser Studios are a series of beautiful antique warehouses donated temporarily for use as multidisciplinary artist spaces and studios. We have been busily working away here on …

Sydney Winter Festival

Duckie Art & Event Reviews

Sydney Winter Festival is well worth checking out. Our baby version of a European outdoor skating rink was perfectly cheesy fun. The sizable rink in front of St Mary’s Cathedral is great fun and looks beautiful under the sprinkling fake snow, until you realise its made from detergent suds. For added cheese factor there is a little alpine village selling …

Bemused Melbourne

Duckie Visual Art

I had been to see a gig on Lonsdale Street in the Melbourne CBD as part of the Melbourne Music Week. This odd ‘festival’ seems to partially consist of paying well known musicians lots of money to play on the street disguised as buskers. This was the case at least for the gig that I saw, which was largely ignored …