Umbrella Theatre Does Timania – Tim Burton Burlesque

Duckie Blog, Burl-esque, Puppetry

Umbrella Theatre had a wicked time on Sunday 22 April at the Standard, Taylor’s Square at Timania! This burlesque tribute to Tim Burton was a fabulous night out put on by the good folks at Gallery Burlesque. The burlesque-circus-cabaret-fan fiction-theatre-movie nerd-party was quite an extravaganza featuring some of the best burlesque acts I’ve seen in a long time, live visuals, …

Timania – Tim Burton Burlesque

Duckie Blog, Burl-esque, Puppetry

Only one week to go until the phenomenal ‘Land of Timania‘ hits the Standard on Oxford Street, Sydney! This Tim Burton themed burlesque night is put on by the one and only Gallery Burlesque and is set to titillate the manic fans and intellectual admirers alike. I’ll be there performing a Burton-esque poem by Kira Carpenter, ‘Encounter With A Monster’. …