Umbrella Theatre’s Wack New Showreel

Duckie Blog, Performance Art & Installations, Puppetry

At long last, I am proud to reveal Umbrella Theatre’s exciting new showreel! The fabulous, traveling, pop – up spectacular puppet extravaganza comes to life!


It features all of our most disturbing puppet shows. in order of appearance you will meet;

The poor soul, in a bit of a pickle in the ‘choose your own adventure’ style show Save Me.

Old Mate, your friendly local character.

The Captain, on his underwater journey of exploration

Dobby’s Punishment Parlour. You don’t want to know.

Poor little Billy from the short poem performance, Encounter With A Monster

Those psychedelic yet charming tequila worms


Special thanks go to…

Tolmie from Rogue Simian Productions (Film & edit)

Slimey Things (Sound track)

The gorgeous girls at Umbrella Theatre