Portrait in Novi Sad, Serbia

Duckie Blog, Street Art Photography

Some curious and colourful street art in Novi Sad, Serbia. Who is it, I wonder? And what does it say? And why does there appear to be a little pack of cigarettes in the bottom right corner?

serbia street art

The street art was unusually at odds with the general historic feel of the city centre. The lovely town has so many gorgeous features, from the old town square, the riverside fortress and the surrounding forests; there’s a real fairytale atmosphere. We were in town to attend Exit Festival in the fortress, every night from 8pm – 8am! The days were so sweltering hot, the nocturnal lifestyle made sense.

It also gave us some time to explore the picturesque town by day. We inspected a (thankfully air conditioned) Dali exhibition, were treated borek by locals, sipped cocktails and ate in hearty restaurants. Having just come from Israel, the diet was just the opposite – everything was either stuffed with or wrapped in bacon. We had chicken wrapped in bacon, figs wrapped in bacon, cheese wrapped in bacon and chicken stuffed with bacon. And a little pork belly on the side. Probably not the ideal diet every day, but it sure was delicious!